Founder = Providing Leadership

Bill McNeely
1 min readFeb 26, 2021

If you begin a startup as a Founder you are accepting life as a leader.

This might even be the first time you have had to lead people in your life. You will be creating the map for your team members to follow. You can’t expect folks just to know where to go.

As the founder, you will have to give guidance and put thought on topics you did not have to do in the past. You have to have the patience to respond positively to “Hey I don’t know what I am doing can you show me” many times a day.

Also, you will need to follow up, even circle back (+1 for corporate lingo) to check on the progress of tasks. If you don’t, you will waste a lot of time and money that could have been saved on simple course corrections at the beginning

Leadership does not happen by osmosis. If you don’t want to lead don’t begin a startup.

Lastly, I hope you love to read. You will need many books, magazine articles, blog posts etc to fill in your and your team’s lack of knowledge.

Not everything can be served up in a 2 min video. Paragraphs can be scary but necessary.



Bill McNeely

Founder at Wharphy (3rd Party Delivery for Floral Shops)